Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jump start and Boot Only Server


Four Main Services

Boot Services
Identification Services
Configuration Services
Installation Services

Implementing a Basic Jumpstart Server

1. Spool the OS image
2. Edit the sysidcfg file
3. Edit the rules and profile files
4. Run the check script
5. Run the add_install_client scripts
6. Boot the client

# cd /export
# mkdir config
# mkdir sol_dump
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Misc/Jumpstart_sample/
# cp –r * /export/config/
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_8/Tools
# ./setup_install_server /export/home/sol_dump -- Copying solaris dump to local directory
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_9/Tools/
# ./add_to_install_server /export/home/sol_dump -- Appending 2nd CD content
# cd /etc

# vi ethers
8:0:20:a6:aa:2b ultra5 (hostname)

# vi /etc/hosts ultra5

# vi /etc/timezone
Asia/Calcutta ultra5

# cd /export/config/

# vi rules
hostname ultra5 - host_class finish_script

- Pre Install script
host_class -- Config details like partition
finish_script -- Post install scripts

# vi host_class
install_type initial_install
system_type standalone
partitioning explicit
Cluster SUNWXall
filesys c0t0d0s0 10000 /
filesys c0t0d0s1 550 swap
filesys c0t0d0s7 free /export/home

# vi finish_script
touch /a/noaushutdown
rm /a/etc/defaultdomain
rm –r /a/var/yp/digit.com
cp /a/etc/nsswitch.files /a/etc/nsswitch.conf

# vi sysidcfg -- System identification & configuration. Timezone can also be given here
network_interface=primary [netmask= protocol_ipv6=no]
timezone= Asia/Calcutta

-- Time zone are listed in the directory structure below the /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo directory.
-- Locales are listed in the /usr/lib/locale directory

# chmod 755 finish_script
# ./check -- To check the config

# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
share –o anon=0 /export/home/sol_dump
share –o anon=o /export/config

# cd /var/yp
# /usr/ccs/bin/Make
# cd /export/home/sol_dump/solaris_9/Tools
# ./add_install_client –c –p ultra5(hostname) sun4u
# update the NIS file with make command

From Client

ok boot net –install -- Will search the network and start the installation automatically

-- Before a Jumpstart client can boot and obtain all of the NFS resourctes it requires, every directory listed as an argument to the add_install_client script must be shared by the server on which it resides.

Setting Up a Boot-Only Server

A boot server responds to RARP, TFTP, and bootparams requests from jumpstart clients and provides a boot image using the NFS service.
1. Running the setup_install_server script with the –b option to spool a boot image from CD-Rom or DVD
2. Running the add_install_client script with options and argument that shows a list of servers and the identification config, and installation services that they provide.

Executing the setup_install_server script
# mkdir /export/install
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Tools
# ./setup_install_server –b /export/install
Executing the add_install_client script
Before you run the script, update the hosts and ethers information for the jumpstart client

/etc/inet/hosts client1

8:0:20:9c:88:5b client1

The boot server must have entry in /etc/inet/hosts file for each server you specify while you run add_install_client script.
# cd /export/install/Solaris_9/Tools
# ./add_install_client –c server1:/export/config –p server1:/export/config client1 sun4u

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1 comment:

pradeepasuri said...


There is two different procedures for jumpstart configuration , one for x86 and another for sparc. I would like to request you to post two different procedures.


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