Tuesday, February 3, 2009

SCSA 310-200 Practice Test Software

Solaris Questions and Answers http://solarisinterview.blogspot.com/

SCSA 310-200 Practice Test Software.

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Download - SCSA 310-200 Practice Test Software


Brocade Blue said...

i went for the exam yesterday and let me tell you, some of the questions were taken word by word. Only names were changed. Also, the drag and drop doesn't have the right answers, so please open your notes and use look up for the correct terms

Anonymous said...

I took this exam yesterday and i got 80 points, these questions are the best up to now. Before entering the exam, one should solve and understand everything in this dump. But please keep in mind that content of the exam was changed. Network and zfs are included in the exam. These two topic should be understood very well otherwise at least ten questions from these two topic are going to be missed in the exam. Let me give some questions to you from the exam:
a)which four files you should change in order to change the hostname of the server
b)how could you destroy a mounted zfs file system
(just do it)
c) how could you create a zfs snapshot
d) how could you take the backup of a filesystem by using ufsdump
(1st umount 2nd fsck 3rd ufsdump)
e)what is the name of the minimum installation for using CDE
bla bla,
have a good chance in the exam!

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